Tag Archives: postpartum depression

Today is a good day

2 Mar

In an earlier Facebook post my status read:  I’ve gone from making it from one second to the next, to one minute to the next, to one hour to the next, to one day to the next.  After dealing with the postpartum depression and thinking that life was never going to be the same again I’ve learned one simple thing – to take one day at a time.

I went from having every second of every minute of every hour of every day be horrible and terrible and no good to having days like any normal person – some good, some bad.  I’ve already learned a small amount of patience from my child and am learning to take the punches as they come, as well as welcome the laughs and good times whenever I can. 

Movies and television completely destroyed my vision of what a good life is supposed to be.  Newsflash: Problems cannot be solved in a half hour and sometimes things get fucked up beyond ALL recognition.  It’s NEVER like it is in the movies and on TV.  Never. The bad times are worse and the good times a million times better.  I get used to Colin a little bit more everyday and can say that I’m starting to forget what life was like before he came along.  Am I ready for another and the possiblity that the depression will come back again…eff no.  Am I in a place where I feel confident that I WILL make it as a successful mother and wife and that I can handle anything that comes my way? 


Today is a good day.